Lean on Me | Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
Lean on meWhen you're not strongAnd I'll be your friendI'll help you carry on... It can get very lonely as a photographer when you don't have friends that understand the stresses and the frustrations of owning a photography business. Luckily for me, I met some pretty amazing boudoir photographers that have become good friends. So when I was talking to one about just feeling that extreme loneliness earlier this year, it seemed to be affecting them as well. So after some much needed planning. We made a plan to get together. Kendra who runs Phoenix Fire Boudoir, let us crash at her studio for the day. It was needed and…
Creek Sessions – Ms L
I can't believe it is already the end of JUNE!!! You know what that means? CREEK SESSIONS will be here before we know it!!! I don't know about you but Swimsuit Season always makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong. I am about body acceptance. Yet every year, the nerves get me too. I question how the suit from last year fits. I question whether it is the right outfit to wear. And I question why didn't I lose the weight. It makes me so crazy. But I have learned as soon as my body touches that water, it won't matter anymore. It will be the suit that will be…
Limited Edition Cloud Sessions | Springfield Boudoir
Limited Edition Cloud Sessions are back and better than ever! In 2022, I changed a few things and made the clouds something I fell in love even more with. Well this year, we are stepping it up! More color and prisms lighting up your session and making each session special. More time! I felt like my minis were just that mini and not a great capture of me. So now, I'm extending the time! So 45 minutes to play in the clouds with a variety of poses. Which means more images to choose between! There are two dates this year April 30 and May 13! And three slots on both…
Winter Blues | Springfield Missouri Boudoir
Does anyone else have the Winter Blues right now? It's hard to believe it is March right now. I walked the dog and I needed my heavy coat, gloves and ear muffs. It was so cold in the wind when I'm writing this post. I feel almost as if I am Winter right now. I feel very much stuck in what is happening. My body feels frozen to what it wants to do. It wants to snuggle into a blanket and forget the world. It's hard when the weather does what you want to do too. It's hard to be motivated right now. It's COLD! Contrary to popular belief, I…
Skin | Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photogapher
Skin. Every time I look at this session. I am in love. It was the first session in a long time that made me sit up and take note of how much I was improving. We had gotten together because it had been too long. Ms C is super amazing and is always up for whatever crazy idea I have. This one evolved out of the desire of pearls after doing some images for a Valentine's day promo. I was finishing editing the set and I saw a magazine calling for images for their magazine featuring women with tattoos. I instantly thought Ms C would be perfect for that issue.…
2021 Intentional | Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
Where some have New Years Resolutions, I decided awhile back that it would be a word for the year. Something simple that made my heart feel alive when I heard it and made me want to move forward. In 2021, that word was Intention/Intentional. Meaning:a thing intended; an aim or plan or done on purpose; deliberate. Done on purpose. Deliberate. It was the year that I wanted to choose what I chose on purpose. I wanted to grow personally on purpose. I wanted to group in my business on purpose. It felt like a perfect word for me. Mind you in 2021... I was still recouping from having C*vid and…
Victorian Posing Class| Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
While there are so many things to learn, posing is definitely high on the list to learn. So when I can, I take a posing class to work on all of the different poses that are possible. The last few years I have been taking a posing class with Melody Dollarhide of Let's Get Boudie. It has been an absolute blast. Meeting other photographers who are shooting boudoir, getting assistance on posing and just getting a chance to have a good conversation about boudoir. Not everyone in my life wants to chat about it as much as I want to. For this class, it was at a Victorian house in…
Everybodies Workshop3 | Springfield Missouri Boudoir
It is amazing to go back and read the words I wrote the day of the Everybodies Workshop. I haven't rewrote most of these posts because while at that workshop, they spoke about writing something down the day of your shoot. So your blog posts will always have words and inspiration. I get that. But looking back now. I wonder where I was. It was a workshop that kicked me into gear and opened my brain to a lot. On the last day of the workshop, we talked about couples. I have always wanted to shoot couples, but I have been nervous(?) or worried about the line. You know -the…
Memories | Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
As I sit in our "new" house, memories hit me. Don't get me wrong I love the set up in our house. But at times I miss the lighting and the amazingness of the old house. For those who don't remember, I have shot boudoir at our old apartment and our last house. It was a 100-year-old farmhouse and man, was it quirky!? But that house was where I said I am doing this thing. Regardless of space and location, I was going to start being a boudoir photographer. The lighting was amazing in our main bedroom... and a small bedroom next door... and a bedroom on the main floor.…
Everybodies Workshop2 |Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
Everybodies Workshop was such an amazing experience. I knew even as it happened in 2018 that I needed to blog the whole experience... Three days that shocked and unnerved me in a good way. The second day of the workshop was even better than the first. The morning was a lot of talk about being really inclusive. Especially since all of us come with our own bias whether we realize it or not. I like to consider myself a pretty open person but there is still much that makes me uncomfortable. Whether learning the right pronouns or the right way to address someone. I am always too nervous about offending…