Finding time during the Stay-at-Home Order| Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
One of my favorite parts about Webcam shoots has been the ability to meet new people and see old friends. It really has been just about the connection for me. Yes, I like the being at home. I like the relaxing, but I miss the connections that photography brings me. It's Spring. It's the time that I want to be out and photographing new people and see all the pretty trees and enjoy my favorite weather! Miss D was nice of enough to let me do a Webcam shoot with her. We hadn't been able to connect in person for a boudoir shoot so I contacted her as soon as…
Connecting Through Trial and Error| Springfield Mo Boudoir Photographer
The very first webcam shoot I did was with Miss Layne. I was nervous and I wasn't exactly sure how everything would go, but I knew I was ready to try. The first issue we had was her phone would not let her talk to me. No matter how many times we came in and out of the Zoom app, she couldn't get unmuted. So we actually connected via her laptop as well as her phone. We were able to talk at each other on the laptop while the phone was held by her family member where I was able to capture the images. As you can tell from the…
The Pause aka Coronavirus 2020
I read somewhere in the middle of March when the United States kind of went upside down that this time at home was being called the Pause. Mom and Dads were able to be at home with their kids. Family Dinners were happening again. Kids were home from school. And so much more. At first with the stay-at-home order, I didn't completely understand it all. My hour break was shortened to 30 mins, but other than that I was still working at my full-time job. But then after about a week, I was furloughed. (Wow, what another story for another day). The first week was nice like a vacation. The…
Come See Me at the KGBX Women’s Show | Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
Mark Your Calendars Now! The KGBX 2019 Women’s Show at the Ozark Fair Grounds Expo Center is February 16! And yours truly will be there! Boudoir by Paula will have a booth set up with all of our product! From wall art, to albums, folios, presentation boxes and a new addition- view finders! Come and see these items in person! We will be having a couple of giveaways including a free session and more! Have to stop by to be apart of the giveaways! (Maybe I’ll do one on Facebook for fun as well!) You should also check out the Women’s show simply because it is an entire show for women!…