Everybodies Workshop3 | Springfield Missouri Boudoir
It is amazing to go back and read the words I wrote the day of the Everybodies Workshop. I haven't rewrote most of these posts because while at that workshop, they spoke about writing something down the day of your shoot. So your blog posts will always have words and inspiration. I get that. But looking back now. I wonder where I was. It was a workshop that kicked me into gear and opened my brain to a lot.
On the last day of the workshop, we talked about couples. I have always wanted to shoot couples, but I have been nervous(?) or worried about the line. You know -the line -where I would be uncomfortable photographing someone being that intimate with their significant other. Some people have no line, but well, I do. I'm learning to be okay with it and to be okay with where the line is.
The couple we photographed was not what I expected. I guess you could say I showed the bad parts of me by when I found it out was a same sex couple. I was a little disappointed. Wait disappointed? Yeah, but not for what you think. I wanted to learn about the line and have a "perfect" couple photos for my portfolio, but that wasn't what this workshop was or why I choose this specific workshop. I choose it cause it was EVERYBODIES body. I wanted to do right by everybody. That's why I was there.
As the workshop progressed, the more excited I got for the last day and couples. I was excited to learn and to be confronted with something I wasn't used to. To learn everything, I could from some who photographs couples of all types.
When the couple arrived, I was nervous -plus size, same sex and not something I had ever done before. I will tell you a secret all photographers are nervous before a shoot because they are worried like me that they are going to royally screw up the photos that their client is expecting.
As Kevin Lowery talked and started posing, the more I felt comfortable. I started understanding about couple shoots. I got it. I still have a bunch to learn but I got it. I understood as I took pictures where my line was.
Does this mean it will be perfect all the time? No. It means that every couples shoot I will learn more and more every time I photograph a couple!
I can't wait to do more!