Shaking Sh*t Up|Springfield Missouri Boudoir Photographer
After pushing through doing Webcam sessions on my own after learning from Teri Hofford's Shake Shit Up with Webcam's class, I was excited to hear that she planned a LIVE shoot for all of us to get some more practice at the Webcam shoots. Teri is a boudoir photographer who specializes in ALLbodies. The class I took in Dallas was actually taught by her. While her model fell through on the day of the shoot, Teri decided to jump in and model for us! She did a amazingly for being a photographer more than a model. This works pretty easy I found out for Webcam shoots! The only differences were…
Connecting Through Trial and Error| Springfield Mo Boudoir Photographer
The very first webcam shoot I did was with Miss Layne. I was nervous and I wasn't exactly sure how everything would go, but I knew I was ready to try. The first issue we had was her phone would not let her talk to me. No matter how many times we came in and out of the Zoom app, she couldn't get unmuted. So we actually connected via her laptop as well as her phone. We were able to talk at each other on the laptop while the phone was held by her family member where I was able to capture the images. As you can tell from the…